Thursday, December 31, 2009

Am I Crazy or Is Everyone I Work With Crazy?

I admit it. I am probably not the world's greatest employee. I don't like to spend any extra time at work. I like to laugh and joke with the people I work with. What I don't like doing? Putting up with the fact that everyone around me is CRAZY!

Seriously, have you ever read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. I am John Galt in this scenario and my coworkers are everyone else in that book. I do the best that I can with the resources I have. I try to keep out of everyone's business. I am brutally honest when I have a problem with someone. I am constantly being complained about at work because I spend ten minutes a day checking my Facebook status (I know, how dare I) and ignoring everything else that is going on around me. I know what you are thinking, and no, my bosses couldn't tell me of one actual instance when I was on the computer ignoring an important work task.

The reason that I think they are crazy is that there is literally no way to defend yourself against these attacks. They give you no specifics...only what they have heard from someone else. They just know that I am not doing my job. Even though every day, I get everything done which I need to. How does one deal with douchebaggery at work like this? Especially in this job market where literally no one is hiring and I should be grateful I have a job. But does that justify my bosses treating me like a child by micro-managing my entire shift?

For the record, my one boss is crazy. There is a story involving her, her bird, a shower, and some sort of nipple problem as the result. And my other boss is a "recovering" drug addict. These are exactly the type of people that I want to evaluate my job performance.

Am I ridiculous in wanting proof that I don't get my job done? Am I crazy because I think that somehow, I can affect change? The answer to the last question is a resounding yes. Nothing I do matters. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. I think the only way to receive negative attention at work is to be one of the few people who actually puts some effort into their work. But if you are an employee that is hated by all, there's no chance anyone could every reprimand you for anything. Because Douchebags and Idiots are protected in today's job market.

If you don't bend over and take your licks because your crazy boss thinks you deserve it, then there's a problem with you. If you go about your day not worrying about how your job performance is affecting everyone else and being an all-around douchebag to coworkers, then you shouldn't be reading this. Not that a douchebag could muster up the strength and intelligence needed to read something longer than a text message in their spare time.

The Defeated

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